Intro from the Author - Ryan Oh
The famous Latin philosopher Publius Syrus, once said, “Where there is unity there is always victory.” This has been my core belief about solving climate change. If we unite everybody behind solutions, climate change will soon be a thing of the past, rather than a worry for the future.
I was born in Noblesville, Indiana, a big city about 30 miles northeast of the State Capital: Indianapolis. I lived there until I was about 5, finished Kindergarten in Columbus, Ohio and also finished 1st grade there. I then moved to Vienna, Virginia when I was 7 and it has been my home ever since. I started getting close to fellow members of management, founder Zaid Rahman and consultant Ershad Payaam. I wasn’t the greatest student in any school.
To be honest, I did not get passionate about climate change until last year. I've always been more of a law guy and have competed in Mock Trial for 3 years. Mock Trial (The picture is me at States!) is one of my passions, right alongside Climate Change. Something about the nerves that you get from being in the courtroom, the work that you put toward the competition, the relationships you built from going through such a hard and grueling competition is addicting. I call it addicted to stress, yeah I know that's not an actual phrase, but we’ll roll with it.
I’m very passionate about the Constitution and I've been been concerned about how it has been applied in recent years. Also, reading about the death penalty and how it's been applied deeply concerns me still to this day. In fact, my college admissions essay is about the law and how much I love talking about it. But climate change has suddenly come into the fray as a huge issue in a way that I never expected.
I always knew about climate change but did not think it was a big deal until I started looking more into it and realized, Holy cow, this is a serious problem. Seeing polar bears and seals in the Arctic losing their homes because of the melting ice struck me in the heart because of their innocence. These animals have done nothing wrong to lose their homes, yet they are. They are suffering because of our own human greed, and this breaks my heart. Call me a tree-hugger and a delusional, but I believe these animals were our ancestors in a way. They were here before us. But we came in and ripped it up at the cost of the beautiful environment that was created for us to live in and protect. The animals, the plants, the rocks, have not done anything to merit this treatment.
That is all for today. My name is Ryan Oh and I am honored to be writing for you today and can’t wait to do so more in the future.
Let the Journey begin.